Greetings All, You are invited to virtually attend:
Mobilized about Menthol: Sharing Experiences from the 2023 Rhode Island ASTHO and CDC/OSH Menthol Learning Collaborative
December 19, 2023 10am-11am EST see Zoom pre-registration instructions below
Hosted by:
Oasis International
Rhode Island Department of Health Tobacco Control Program
Health Resources in Action (HRiA)
Tobacco Free Rhode Island (TFRI)
Oasis International, a Providence-based nonprofit serving the African immigrant and Providence community, in partnership with Rhode Island Department of Health Tobacco Control Program, is one of eight state grantees participating in the 2023 ASTHO and CDC/OSH Increasing State Menthol Capacity Learning Collaborative.
The Collaborative focuses on counter-marketing and public education community engagement expanding the capacity of menthol-specific public health work with priority populations. We examine how the built environment, systems, and policies play a role in menthol tobacco use as well as how community-led efforts can affect change. Materials and community conversations have focused on providing educational information and facilitated discussion training on targeted practices related to menthol and other flavored commercial tobacco products on specific populations. The Collaborative experience, materials, and evaluation results will be shared with a discussion on next steps of the work in Rhode Island.
Please feel free to share this invitation. For further information contact Heidi Hartzell Thank you!
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Heidi Hartzell, MA, MAT
Policy and Partnerships Specialist
Division of Community Health and Equity
Rhode Island Department of Health
Oasis International Inc. Oasis International is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3). All rights reserved.
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